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The Upsides of an Unexpected Appendectomy

Background: I had acute appendicitis on Sept 16, 2020, resulting in an urgent appendectomy. You might imagine that I have many observations and reflections about my experience on the other side of the stethoscope - wait times! team communication! patriarchy in medicine! - but let’s start with some positives…

  1. Gratitude for pain control

    Folks, how did humans survive injuries and acute illness before morphine and its brethren*? The pain of appendicitis/peritonitis was far beyond that of childbirth; there was a moment (that led directly to the decision to head to the ED) when I calmly thought ‘if this pain continues, I will go mad. I will not be able to function mentally.’ And then, miraculously, in the ED, I was given medication that blunted the pain. I could think, even laugh, again.

    Two hundred years ago, this medication would not have been available. So, thank you, Friedrich Sertürner.

  2. Time to watch TV

    I never watch TV by myself - who has the time?? Well, in the 24 hours I spent in the short-stay unit, I watched 8 episodes of a delightful show called Ted Lasso**. SELF CARE

  3. I got to see my insides!

    Acute appendicitis is confirmed by CT scan, which is essentially thousands of X-rays stacked on top of each other that let you see, well, EVERYTHING inside. I got insights into all my organs. And then there was my overachieving appendix - unusually long, wrapped around where it shouldn’t be, and pointing in an odd direction. I asked my pre-op surgical team if I could take it home in a jar. They laughed. So I asked again. They said no. Sigh.

  4. IV Hydration = AMAZING skin

    On FaceTime a couple days post-op, my sister said I looked amazing. AND I DID. How was this possible? I realized that the IV fluids I received before, during, and after surgery had given me the most hydrated, healthiest looking skin of my adult life. Dewy. Glowing. You better believe I am chugging water to keep this going.

So…not quite a top ten list. Overall, I do NOT recommend acute abdominal illness or surgery.

*If you have insights into this, I am genuinely interested and would love to learn more

**Review pending